An avid reader since childhood, I have always loved words. A well-crafted phrase by a skilled writer will make me pause to re-read the words again, conjuring a vivid image in my mind. Words have the power to elicit strong feelings, influence beliefs, and provide solace. In this series of abstract digital art, I have challenged myself to create images to visually represent a few of my favorite descriptive words. (2018-2022)
Amorphous – having no definite form or distinct shapeBenevolent – marked by or disposed to doing goodCapricious – unpredictable, given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviorDilapidated – fallen into partial ruin, especially through neglect or misuseEsoteric – of special, rare, or unusual interestFlamboyant – brightly colored and easily noticedGregarious – friendly, outgoing, and socialInsidious – proceeding in a gradual, subtle way with harmful effectsPoignant – evoking a keen sense of sadness or regretResilient – able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditionsSanguine – optimistic or positive, especially in a difficult situationVivacious – lively in temper, conduct, or spirit